Saturday, December 27, 2008

Officially in 2nd Tri!

13w 3d today! It feels great and I am feeling a lot better. I can't believe we are a third of our way there. It still seems so far away though. I thought if I had started this in the 1st tri all I would talk about was worrying....ABOUT EVERYTHING. I now just listen to the heart beat nightly..still sounds amazing in the 150's. Keep on beating baby!!


  1. You made a blog! Yay! I just read the post to Kendall. :)

  2. I am glad that you are enjoying listening to little Mary Elizabeth's heartbeat...

  3. This is so cool. I am excited to hear how the baby is doing and how you are as well. Keep up the good work the baby is so lucky to have you and Patrick as parents!
